
Senior Ruby on Rails Developer

Location: Mumbai, India

We are looking for a passionate, highly talented developer with 2 - 5 years of experience to design and develop features for a leading performance marketing startup trying to address issues like behavioral ecommerce and contextual marketing. Ideal candidate is a strong individual contributor in a growing startup.

  • Strong experience with MVC Frameworks like Ruby on Rails, NodeJS, PHP
  • Strong development Experience in  Javascript, JQuery, SQL, Ajax, HTML5 and CSS
  • Experience in working with libraries like Devise, CanCan and Delayed Job
  • Strong Understanding of Agile Application Architechture, Web services, Responsive Design, JSON, AJAX, etc
  • Worked on atleast 1 professional web project in an agile environment - Mandatory.
  • Good knowledge on Nginx, Apache, Passenger, Capistrano
  • Good knowledge in  writing test cases with RSpec, Cucumber
  • Good understanding of Github or SVN
  • Should have good communication skills
  • Should be able to work independently
  • Should be comfortable with linux operating system
  • Startup mentality, high willingness to learn and hardworking.
  • A degree in Computer Science, Engineering or relevant experience
Our technical highlights
  • Most of our projects are backed with Redis and PostgreSQL
  • We use Thinking sphinx for search indexing and memcached or Redis for cache.
  • We use Git and Github repository as our SCM.
  • We heavily use RSpec and as per need use Capybara

Please send your resume on [email protected].